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G.Ya. Krivoshev, N.A. Shevchenko
All – Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops, Nauchny gorodok, 3, Zernograd, Rostov region, Russia

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Summary. 40 new and introduced self-pollinated lines of maize by drought tolerance were studied using different criteria of assessment: residual water deficit (RWD), index of drought resistance, strength of root system, rupture in the flowering of male and female inflorescences. It was revealed a significant coincidence of the assessment results, received by various methods (r=-0,46 – +0,83). The search of indirect signs was carried out to select cultivars on drought tolerance. A negative dependence was revealed among the sign “amount of ears per a plant” and the signs of drought tolerance: residual water deficit (r=-0,43), rupture in the flowering of male and female inflorescences (r=-0,42). A positive dependence was revealed among the amount of ears per a plant and strength of root system (r=+0,52), index of drought resistance (r=+0,36). A positive dependence was established among the sign “amount of seeds per an ear” and index of drought resistance (r=+0,38), strength of root system (r=+0,38). The amount of maize productivity had a negative dependence due to increase of residual water deficit (r=-0,48) and rupture in the flowering (r=-0,40). A positive dependence was established among grain productivity of self-pollinated lines of maize and index of drought resistance (r=+0,43), strength of root system (r=+047). Selection of highly productive maize lines with little infertility and productive ears under insufficient moisture allows cultivating drought tolerant genotypes. Such maize cultivars as DК 47111, КV 498, КS 311, КV 469 were selected as the most drought tolerant according to all used criteria of assessment.

Keywords: self-pollinated lines, test-crossing hybrids, signs of productivity, index of drought resistance, water deficit.

Author Details: G.Ya. Krivoshev, Cand. Agricultural Sci., Head of Laboratory (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.A. Shevchenko, Researcher.

For citation: Krivoshev G.Ya. Shevchenko N.A. Selection by indirect signs of drought tolerant lines of maize. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2014. T.28. №12. pp. 31-34 (In Russ)