V.G. Mamedova
Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Ataturk avenue, 262, Ganja, AZ2000, Republic of Azerbaijan
E-mail: mamedova.gulnur@mail.ru
Summary. The article examines the interconnection of economic government policy and development of cooperative relations in agriculture of Azerbaijan. Because of the measures, provided by the programs of social and economic development of the regions of republic in 2004-2013, the quantum of gross output increased almost 1.5 times, including wheat production – by 43.9 %, potato – by 29.1 %, vegetables – by 17.8 %, fruits and berries – by 49.1 %, grapes – 2.4 times. To increase the efficacy of use of mechanisms of state support of farmers large specialized grain farms were founded, in which the grain yield per 1 ha was record for the country 55 hundred kilograms. This positive experience is replicated today in different regions of the country. New state program of social and economic development of the regions of Azerbaijan in 2014-2018 provides for the further stimulation of agrarian production, including on the basis of the association of farmers and foundation of cooperatives, which will contribute to the increase in incomes in agrarian sector as well as to growth of the competitiveness of agricultural production.
Keywords: economic activity, economic interests, cooperative relations, regional economic government policy, agrarian formations, competition.
Author Details: V.G. Mamedova, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof. E-mail: (mamedova.gulnur@mail.ru).
For citation: Mamedova V.G. Realization of economic government policy as the main condition for the development of cooperative relations in agriculture. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. T.29. №4. pp. 15-16 (In Russ)