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M.L. Ponomareva, S.N. Ponomarev, G.S. Mannapova, L.F. Gilmullina
Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Orenburg tract, 48, Kazan, 420059, Russia

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Summary. Today the strategy of winter rye breeding is based on the mobilization of the adaptive potential of plants. The ratio of the yield in a concrete year to the maximal realized one demonstrates the value of adaptive capacity. The study of released and promising population varieties was carried out in pre-Kama zone of Republic of Tatarstan in 1981-2010. According to the temperature conditions 7 years were cool, 17 years were moderately warm, 6 years were warm. Excess humidification was observed for 13 years, adequate moisture – for 6 years, the lack of moisture – for 9 years, drought was registered for 2 years. Against the background of various weather conditions winter rye is sufficiently productive culture under conditions of the region on medium fertile soils with appropriate farming techniques. The productivity of winter rye is more than 4 t/ha in 63 % of years; in 30 % it surpasses 5 t/ha. The lowest adaptive potential was noted in 2010, it was 32.5 % of the maximal productivity. The development of variety Tatarskaya 1 made it possible to increase the lower limit of yield by 0.7 t/ha, to improve its stability. In the Middle Volga region in the group of the dominant short stem varieties for 19 years of studying the yield was 5.03 t/ha, in the group of recessive polygenic varieties it was 4.66 t/ha.The amplitude of the yield and the coefficient of variation of both groups of varieties were similar. The main task of breeding of winter rye for the years immediately ahead should be the creation of varieties with good adaptability (ecological plasticity) capable to form higher yields in various growing conditions. High adaptive varieties for semi-intensive technologies are Radon, Tantana, Tatarskaya 1. Variety Tantana had the highest yield among the studied varieties and the average level of stability. The variability of yield of the variety is not accounted by declining productivity in unfavorable years, but by its increase in favorable ones.

Keywords: rye, variety, yield, adaptive breeding.

Author Details: M.L. Ponomareva, Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Head of Division; S.N. Ponomarev, Dr. Sc. (Agr.), Head of Laboratory (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); G.S. Mannapova, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Senior Researcher; L.F. Gilmullina, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Senior Researcher.

For citation: Ponomareva M.L., Ponomarev S.N., Mannapova G.S., Gilmullina L.F. Special features of breeding of winter rye on adaptability in Republic of Tatarstan. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V.29. №5. pp. 11-14 (In Russ)