Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




V.S. Valekzhanin, N.I. Korobeinikov
Altai Research Institute of Agriculture, Nauchny gorodok, 35, Barnaul, 656910, Russia

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Summary. The article presents the results of the study of 104 collection variety samples of spring soft wheat of Russian and foreign breeding of three groups of ripeness under conditions of Priob forest-steppe of Altai Territory. The aim of the study was to identify the most productive varieties, characterized by a complex of desirable signs and qualities of plants, for purposeful use of the best of them in breeding of new agro-environmentally specialized varieties of spring soft wheat. Field experiments were carried out in 2011-2014 at permanent establishment of Altai Research Institute of Agriculture. The area of a test plot was 10 sq. m; seeding rate was 5 million of germinating grains per a hectare. The average grain productivity for several years, components of yield structure, lodging resistance and injury by powdery mildew under favorable conditions were the main criteria of the value of collection samples. The diversity of weather conditions in experimental years made it possible to select and to recommend several cultivars as components for hybridization, which combined high productivity (2.5…3.3 t/ha) with resistance to lodging and powdery mildew. These varieties are Omskaya 36, Novosibirskaya 29, OmGAU 90, Omskaya krasa, Ershovskaya 34, Omskaya 33, Melodiya, Pamyati Leontieva, Uralosibirskaya and Chelyaba Yubileynaya. Promising sources for individual structural elements of plant productivity were selected. In particular, for productive tilling capacity they were NAKZOS, Ershovskaya 34, Katyusha, Novosibirskaya 44, OmGAU 90, Svirel and Altaiskaya 105; for the number of grains in the main ear - Pamyati Azieva, Gerakl, Ershovskaya 34, OmGAU 90, Fiton 41, Omskaya 38, Darnitsa, Melodiya, Svirel, Uralosibirskaya and Omskaya 41; for grain weight of the main ear - Altaiskaya 70, Omskaya 36, Surskaya Yubileynaya, Gerakl, Omskaya 38, Ershovskaya 34, Raduga, Svirel, Darnitsa and Uralosibirskaya; for the thousand grain weight – Omskaya 36, Altaiskaya 70, Surskaya Yubileynaya, Omskaya Krasa, Omskaya 38, Raduga and Svirel.

Keywords: wheat, genotype, breeding, yield, resistance, plant productivity elements.

Author Details: V.S. Valekzhanin, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Senior Researcher (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.I. Korobeinikov, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Нead of Breeding Center.

For citation: Valekzhanin V.S., Korobeinikov N.I. Breeding evaluation of collection material of spring soft wheat of different eco-geographical origin under conditions of Priob forest-steppe of Altai territory // Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V. 29. № 6. pp. 35-37 (In Russ)