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M.A. Rozova, V.N. Moukhin
Altai Research Institute of Agriculture, Nauchny gorodok, 35, Barnaul city, 656910, Russia

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Summary. On the basis of 30-year investigations it was carried out the analysis of ecological variation of the main quality indices: protein and gluten content, gluten quality, direction and strength of their correlation with weather characteristics and productivity in order to improve the strategy of selection of valuable genotypes of durum wheat. Variety Altajskaya Niva and samples of the competitive variety test (CVT) carried out in 1985-2014 served as the material for the research. It was studied from 46 to 121 samples every year. Field tests were carried out in Ob forest-steppe of Altai Krai. The soil of test plot was leached, middle thick, middle loamy, low-humic black soil. The preceding crop was bare fallow. Seeding was carried out at the first decade of May. Protein content was determined with Inframatic 8100, gluten content in groats–with Glutomatic 2200, gluten quality–with IDK-1. Weather conditions of each year were evaluated according to 50 characteristics. Variation of protein content was 13.2-21.3% (mean value was 15.4%), of gluten content–28.0-44.0% (33.0%) and IDK–78-101 units (91 units). It was only established the significant correlation (r > |0.36|; р = 0.95) of protein quantity with accumulated temperatures: for the whole growing period (r = 0.55 for Altajskaya Niva; r = 0.53 for CVT), for its generative period (r = 0.43; r = 0.56), July (r = 0.62; r = 0.65), first decade (r = 0.39; r = 0.44), second decade (CVT, r = 0.37) and third decade (r = 0.54; r = 0.53) of July. Gluten content positively correlates with July accumulated temperatures (CVT, r = 0.37), its last decade (r = 0.39; r = 0.45) and with precipitation of the first decade of August (r = 0.52; r = 0.47); it negatively correlates with precipitations in May-June period (r = –0.42; r = –0.40) and with minimal daily air humidity of July (r = –0.46; r = 0.41). IDK parameter correlates with 16 weather characteristics. They are daily air humidity starting from the third decade of July and to the second decade of August (r = –0.42…–0.67), precipitations during growing season (CVT, r = –0.39), for second half of it (CVT, r = –0.42), as well as for the last decade of July (CVT, r = 0.37); accumulated temperatures during growing season (Altajskaya Niva, r = 0.59; CVT, r = 0.62), for the first half of it (r = 0.65; r = 0.60), and with maximum temperatures for every decade of August and for the whole month (r = 0.38-0.54).

Keywords: spring durum wheat, grain quality, protein content, gluten content, IDK, correlation, weather conditions.

Author Details: M.A.Rozova, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Head of Laboratory (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); V.N. Moukhin, Lead Specialist.

For citation: Rozova M.A., Moukhin V.N. Weather influence on protein and gluten content and its quality in grain of spring durum wheat under conditions of ob forest-steppe of Altai krai. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V. 29. № 8. pp. 58-61 (In Russ)