Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




S.N. Nikitin
Ulyanovsk Research Institute of Agriculture, ul. Institutskaya 19, pos. Timiryazevsky, Ulyanovsky r-n, Ulyanovskaya obl., 433315, Russian Federation

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Summary. The investigations were carried in 2004-2012 in order to reveal the influence of regular applications of chemical and biological means in a crop rotation on the humus content in soil. We studied the effect of different types of organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers, diatomite and presowing treatment of seeds by biological preparations. The investigations were carried out on the field of Ulyanovsk Agriculture Research Institute in the 7-field crop rotation: bare fallow, winter wheat I, spring wheat I, pea, winter wheat II, spring wheat II, barley. The soil of the experimental plot is heavy loamy leached chernozem. The content of humus in the arable layer is 6.43-6.62%, total nitrogen–0.26%, mobile phosphorus–214-228 mg/kg and exchangeable potassium–101-117 mg/kg of soil (according to Chirikov), рН of salt extract is 6.3-6.8. The plots with organic fertilizers were divided into three background. The first of them remained the background without diatomite and biological preparation (the zero background). The second background was with diatomite in the dose of 5 t/ha. The third background was sown by seeds inoculated by biological preparations. The efficacy of mineral N140Р95К175 and organic (manure, straw, green manure (vetch and oat mixture), sewage sludge) fertilizers was estimated against all three backgrounds. Without fertilizers the humus content in the arable layer of the soil over the seven-year rotation against all backgrounds decreased on 0.23-0.28% or by 0.0375% in a year. The application of mineral fertilizers, manure (25 t/ha) and sewage sludge (12.5 t/ha) does not preserve the content of humus at a baseline. The introduction at the beginning of the rotation of straw (5 t/ha), manure (50 t/ha) and sewage sludge (25 t/ha), plowing of vetch-oat mixture as a green manure with an annual plowing of straw of cultivated crops ensure the preservation or weak growth of humus content in the arable layer of leached heavy loamy chernozem.

Keywords: manure, sewage sludge, straw, biological preparations, crop rotation.

Author Details: S.N. Nikitin, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), deputy director (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).

For citation: Nikitin S.N. Changes in Humus Content in Soil during Crop Rotation with the Use of Fertilizers. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V. 29. No 10. pp. 13-15 (in Russ.)