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D.M. Marchenko, G.A. Filenko, E.I. Nekrasov
All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops named after I.G. Kalinenko, Nauchny Gorodok, 3, Zernograd, 347740, Russian Federation

Summary. The analysis of the current status of seed-growing and variety composition of winter wheat in Rostov region in 2012-2015 was carried out on the basis of data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Rostov region, Rostov Reference Center of the Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Monitoring Service and materials of the regional office of the Federal State Statistics Service in Rostov region. It was noted a tendency of an increase in the fraction of the highest-quality and reproductive seeds and a decrease in the fraction of original seeds in relation to the total volume of sowing seeds. In spite of a large quantity of varieties of winter soft wheat, admitted for usage in the production (168 varieties in the North-Caucasian region, 72 varieties of them are recommended for Rostov region in 2015), about 45-50 % of all sown area are occupied by five or six of them, which are the most common. The largest segment in the total area of crops of winter wheat during the period being investigated was occupied by the varieties, bred in the I.G. Kalinenko All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops (149,000-170,300 t), Krasnoyarsk Agricultural Research Institute (92,600-161,500 t), Don Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture (106,300-128,200 t) and Stavropol Agricultural Research Institute (11,600-20,400 t). There is a dynamics in the region for an increase in volumes of sowing of the highest-quality seeds of varieties, bred in the I.G. Kalinenko All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops (from 7,200 to 8,200 t), Krasnoyarsk Agricultural Research Institute (from 8,500 to 19,700 t) and Don Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture (from 6,600 to 8,400 t). The most wide-spread varieties in Rostov region are ‘Ermak’ (12.3-14.0 %), ‘Gubernator Dona’ (6.5-8.8 %), ‘Grom’ (3.6-8.5 %), ‘Stanichnaya’ (5.4-6.3 %) and ‘Tanya’ (3.6-5.0 %). They occupied 32.6 % of the acreage in 2012 and 39.1 % of the acreage in 2014.

Keywords: winter wheat, variety, grain, categories of seeds, highest-quality seeds, original seeds, reproductive seeds.

Author Details: D.M. Marchenko, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), head of division (е-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); G.A. Filenko, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), senior research fellow; E.I. Nekrasov, junior research fellow.

For citation: Marchenko D.M., Filenko G.A., Nekrasov E.I. Seed-Growing of Winter Wheat in Rostov Region. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2016. Vol. 30. No. 11. Pp. 57-59 (in Russ.).