Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




V.V. Dodokhov, N.P. Filippova, N. P. Stepanov, M.N. Haldeeva, N.I. Pavlova
Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, ul. Krasil’nikova,15, Yakutsk, 677007, Russian Federation

Summary. The purpose of the work was to study the genetic structure of horses of the Yakut breed on polymorphic proteins of blood serum. The material for the study was 723 samples of blood serum of horses of the Yakut breed from 7 farms located in 5 districts (settlements) of the Sakha Yakutia Republic: Oymyakon (SKhPK “Tonor”), Namtsy (SPKK “Borokhoi”), Taattin (OOO “Keskil”, SKhPK “Bayagantai”, SKhPK “Pobeda”), Amga (SKhPK “Uruie”) and Churapcha (OOO “Kompleks”). The genotyping of horses by polymorphic serum proteins was carried out in the laboratory of genetics and breeding of animal of Yakut State Agricultural Academy. In the studied horse populations of the native type of the Yakut breed 15 genotypes in the transferrin locus were identified, determined by five alleles TfD, TfF, TfH, TfO, TfR with predominant distribution of TfF (0.392 ± 0.041) and low concentration of TfO (0.074 ± 0.001). At the locus of albumin it was determined two alleles AlA and AlB with a predominance of the allele AlB (0.655 ± 0.057). In the esterase locus, it was identified four alleles EsF, EsG, EsH, and EsI, with the most common genotype EsG/EsH (0.356 ± 0.017). The most common genotypes in the native type of Yakut breed are: at the transferrin locus TfDF (22.9 %) and TfDR (19.4 %), at the esterase system EsFH (16.5 %) and EsGH (35.6 %) and at the albumin locus AlBB (48.4 %). Among horses of Yanskii type of the Yakut breed the predominant genotypes are TfFH (23.1 %) and TfFR (14.4 %) at the transferrin locus, EsFF (31.4 %) at the esterase system and AlAB (40.6 %) at the albumin locus. In the population of horses of the native type for the loci Tf, Es, Al the displacement of genetic equilibrium in the direction of excess of heterozygotes (F = -0.015, Ne = 2.8) is determined, in comparison with the horses of Yanskii type (F = 0.013, Ne = 2.6), where there is some deficiency of them.

Keywords: Yakut breed of horses, Yanskii type, polymorphism, transferrins, albumin, esterase, allele frequency, variability, genetic diversity.

Author Details: V.V. Dodokhov, senior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.P. Filippova, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), assoc. prof.; N. P. Stepanov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.); M.N. Haldeeva, Cand. Sc. (Agr.) assoc. prof.; N.I. Pavlova, research fellow.

For citation: Dodokhov V.V., Filippova N.P., Stepanov N. P., Haldeeva M.N., Pavlova N.I. Genetic Structure of Horses of Yakut Breed on Polymorphic Proteins of Blood Serum. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2016. V. 30. No. Pp. 100-102 (in Russ.).