E.V. Smolsky, I.A. Bozhin, K.A. Serdyukova, A.P. Serdyukov
Bryansk State Agricultural University, ul. Sovetskaya, 2a, s. Kokino, Vygonichskii r-n, Bryanskaya obl., 243365, Russian Federation
Abstract. Migration of Cs-137 along the soil profile depending on time and agrotechnical techniques was studied in the area of floodplain of the Iput in the experiment, founded in 1994 in Novozybkovsky district of Bryansk region. The soil is alluvial meadow, sandy, the thickness of the humic horizon is 17-18 cm, a gley horizon begins from the depth of 40 cm. pH(KCl) is 5.2-5.6; hydrolytic acidity is 2.6-2.8 mg-eq/100 g of soil; total absorbed bases is 11.3-13.1 mg-eq/100 g of soil; the humus content (according to Tyurin) is 3.08-3.33 %; the content of mobile phosphorus and exchange potassium (according to Kirsanov) is 620-840 and 133-180 mg/kg, respectively. Pollution density by Cs-137 of the test plot was 559-867 kBq/sq.m. In natural forage lands the main part of radioactive pollution concentrates in sod, the movement between soil layers is very slow. Soil treatment by disk harrows leads to gradual alignment of Cs-137 content in soil horizons within a root layer (0-20 cm). The use of a double-deck plow during the first years sharply reduces the content of Cs-137 in the top layer of soil, however, over the years there is an alignment of Cs-137 content within the root layer. The migration of Cs-137 from soil in green mass of perennial grasses and further in livestock production depended on agrotechnical techniques. The greatest positive effect was registered at application of the double-deck plow: the specific activity of Cs-137 in forage reduced four times in comparison with a natural forage land. Agrotechnical techniques limited the migration of Cs-137 along the food chain, however, at the pollution density of the test plot it was not possible to obtain standard safe forages.
Keywords: alluvial soil, radioactive pollution, Cs-137, distribution of Cs-137 in soil layers, agrotechnical techniques.
Author Details: E.V. Smolsky, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), assoc. prof. (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); I.A. Bozhin, post graduate student; K.A. Serdyukova, post graduate student; A.P. Serdyukov, post graduate student.
For citation: Smolsky E.V., Bozhin I.A., Serdyukova K.A., Serdyukov A.P. Migration of Cs-137 along the Soil Profile of Alluvial Soil Depending on Agrotechnical Techniques. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. V.31. No. 1. Pp. 16-18 (in Russ.).