Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




K.U. Kurkiev1, Z.M. Alieva2, S.K. Temirbekova3, N.A. Khabiyeva2
1Branch of Dagestan Experimental Station of the Federal All-Russian Institute of Genetic Resources Research Centre to name them completely N.I. Vavilov, pos. Vavilovo, Derbentskii r-n, Respublika Dagestan, 368612, Russian Federation
2Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Dagestan State University, ul. M. Gadzhieva, 43a, Makhachkala, 367000, Russian Federation
3All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, ul. Institut, vl. 5, r.p. Bol’shie Vyazemy, Odintsovskii r-n, Moskovskaya obl., 143050, Russian Federation

Abstract. An important direction in solving the problem of salt tolerance is the development of resistant varieties that is associated with the search for effective sources and donors, as well as the study of the adaptive capacity of crops. The article presents the results of the assessment of salinity resistance of six varieties of soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and of six variety samples of winter triticale (Triticosecale L.) under laboratory conditions. We studied the effect of NaCl in concentrations of 85 and 165 mM on seed germination and morphological characteristics: the length and number of roots; height of the above-ground part; wet and dry weight of roots and above-ground parts. Salt stress resulted in inhibition of all growth indicators and reduction of wet and dry weight of roots and above-ground parts, more expressed in wheat. The weight of seedling roots of Grom variety decreased 2.8 times in relation to the control, of above-ground part – 3.4 times; in Triskell variety sample the values of these indicators reduced 1.9 times in such conditions. High concentration of NaCl (165 mM) inhibited the growth of roots of wheat Grom (5.2 times) and the height of above-ground part 3.7 times, in comparison with the control. In Triskell variety sample the values of these indicators reduced 4.5 times. The similar pattern was observed for accumulation of dry biomass. In general, Triskell was the most resistant among triticale variety samples, and the short-stem form ABN-1 – among wheat samples. The data of these experiments will be useful in developing new methods of analysis and selection of genotypes resistant to stress factors.

Keywords: survival, salinity, salt resistance, variety, wheat, triticale, correlation.

Author Details: K.U. Kurkiev, D. Sc. (Biol.), leading research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); Z.M. Alieva, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), head of department; S.K. Temirbekova, D. Sc. (Biol.), head of laboratory; N.A. Khabiyeva, post graduate student.

For citation: Kurkiev K.U., Alieva Z.M., Temirbekova S.K., Khabiyeva N.A. Resistance of Wheat and Triticale to High Level of Chloride Salting. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. V. 31. No. 2. Pp. 26-28 (in Russ.).