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Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




E.A. Gimaeva, Z. Stasevski, S.G. Vologin, A.T. Gizatullina, O.A. Kuzminova
Tatarian Agricultural Research Institute, ul. Orenburgskii trakt, 48, Kazan’, 420059, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents the results of the study of ten new varieties of potato of German breeding from different maturity groups according to their ability to form a yield in agro-climatic conditions of the Middle Volga region. Weather conditions during the study period (2013-2015) were contrasting and had significant deviations from the average long-term rates. The soil type of the experimental plot was gray forest, heavy loamy, the content of humus was 3.2 %, of alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen – 101 mg/kg, of mobile phosphorus – 290 mg/kg, of exchange potassium – 180 mg/kg; рН of salt extraction was 5.8. Sandrin variety distinguished according to the average productivity (48 t/ha) in the group of early-maturing forms; Oxania variety – among the middle-early forms (48 t/ha). These varieties were characterized by the high stability of yield formation: the coefficient of variation (Cv) was 8.3 % and 5.5 %, stability index (IS) was 5.8 and 8.7, and criterion of the level and stability of yield of a variety (Clsv) was 589 and 877, respectively. According to the number of tubers per plant in the group of early-maturing forms it was distinguished varieties Serafina (12.3 tubers/plant), Fioretta (11.6 tubers/plant) and Sandrin (11.3 tubers/plant); in the group of middle-early forms – varieties Caprice (9.8 tubers/plant), Damaris (9.1 tubers/plant) and Florence (9.1 tubers/plant). The high stability of this trait was revealed in varieties Axenia (Cv is 6.3 %, IS is 1.2, Clsv is 116) and Caprice (Cv is 7.8 %, IS is 1.3, Clsv is 145). Cultivars Sandrin and Axenia had the highest average weight of marketable tubers among the early maturing varieties (256 g and 235 g, respectively); cultivars Damaris and Oxania – among the medium early forms (263 g and 242 g, respectively). Variety Oxania was characterized by high stability of weight of marketable tubers (Cv was 5.6 %, IS was 43.6, Clsv was 4850). According to the results of the study it was selected the plastic variety Serafina of an intensive type (maximum tuber yield of 59 t/ha) with the highest expression of the studied traits under favorable agro-climatic conditions, as well as stable cultivars Sandrin and Oxania with a stable yield formation under contrasting weather conditions.

Keywords: potato, variety, productivity, variability, stability.

Author Details: E.A. Gimaeva, senior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); Z. Stasevski, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), head of division; S.G. Vologin, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), head of laboratory; A.T. Gizatullina, research fellow; O.A. Kuzminova, junior research fellow.

For citation: Gimaeva E.A., Z Stasevski., Vologin S.G., Gizatullina A.T., Kuzminova O.A. Study of Potato Varieties of Saatzucht Fritz Lange KG Company under Conditions of Tatar Republic. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. V. 31. No 2. Pp. 32-34 (in Russ.).