A.T. Kaigorodov, N.I. Piskunova
State Center of Agrochemical Service “Permskii”, ul. Promyshlennaya, 83, Perm’, 614065, Russian Federation
Abstract. The analysis of data from the agrochemical survey of arable lands in Perm Krai from 1965 to 2015 is presented. At first, the weighted average characteristics of soil fertility increased, reaching the maximum in the V cycle, then there was a tendency to their reduction. The V cycle was in 2000-2008, the content of mobile forms of phosphorus was 106 mg/kg, of potassium – 129 mg/kg, the acidity was 5.1 pH units. Mainly it is caused by the reduction of application of mineral and organic fertilizers, the average doses of which per hectare decreased from 96.6 kg (1986-1990) to 12.5 kg (2011-2015) and from 9.3 t to 1.0 t, respectively. The current level of their application does not ensure fertility raise and even does not compensate the carrying-out of the nutrients with the yield. As a whole over the region, the average weighted content of phosphorus decreased by 10 mg/kg and reached 94 mg/kg from 2006 to 2016. Soils with low provision with mobile forms of this element occupy 455,400 ha, which is 33.8 % of the total area of arable lands. The situation is aggravated by the fact that work on liming was ceased. In Perm Krai, the area of soils with pH less than 5.0, which require top-priority liming, is 716,600 ha. In 14 districts their fraction is about 60 % of arable lands. The main portion of arable lands in Perm Krai is low humic. In order to preserve soil fertility on the current level it is necessary to apply not less than 90-100 kg/ha of mineral fertilizers and to realize a complex of such measures as sowing of green manure crops, cutting and embedding of straw, utilization of crop rotations, increase in legume share in the crop structure, etc. At the same time, liming and phosphorite application of acidic soils is of primary importance.
Keywords: soil fertility, agrochemical survey, liming, phosphorite application, agricultural method, cost-performance, fertilizers, ameliorants.
Author Details: A.T. Kaigorodov, director (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.I. Piskunova, chief agrochemist.
For citation: Kaigorodov A.T., Piskunova N.I. Current State of Soil Fertility of Arable Lands in Perm Region. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 4. Pp. 22-26 (in Russ.).