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E.A. Tyapugin, N.Y. Konovalova, P.N. Kalabashkin, S.S. Konovalova
Northwest Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Farming, ul. Lenina, 14, Molochnoe, Vologda, 160555, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the research was to explore ways to create and use of herbage with festulolium on sod-podzol soils, as well as the peculiarities of yield formation in one-specific and mixed crops of perennial grasses. The experiments were carried out in 2012-2016 in the experimental field of the North-West Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Agriculture. The sustainability of the interspecies hybrid festulolium was studied in two, three and four-component herbage mixtures with different legumes: red clover, bastard alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil. Apart from monoculture, festulolium was the most sustainable in the mixtures with clover and birdsfoot trefoil. Its share in the harvest in the fifth year of use was 43.6 % in the crop with clover and 20.7 % in the mixture with clover and birdsfoot trefoil. In mixtures with alfalfa the content of festulolium constantly declined and in 2016 it was only 9.2-11.7 %. The productivity of legume-grass mixtures was 1.2-1.8 times higher than that of the monoculture. The influence of the date of first cutting on productivity and quality of plant raw material was studied too. We examined the variants with the first mowing in the phase of the beginning of the festulolium earing (the first date) and in the phase of complete festulolium earing (the second date, the control). Mowing in the later phase of the development of grasses provided higher yields by 20 %. In the case of the first cutting at the beginning of festulolium earing (the first date), the plant biomass had a higher content of protein and exchange energy and less cellulose. The most uniform distribution of harvest through all cuttings is provided by the herbage mixtures with bastard alfalfa (60:40).

Keywords: festulolium, red clover, birdsfoot trefoil, bastard alfalfa, herbage mixtures, mowing dates, productivity, protein.

Author Details: E.A. Tyapugin, member of the RAS, chief research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.Y. Konovalova, head of division; P.N. Kalabashkin, research fellow; S.S. Konovalova, lab. assist.

For citation: Tyapugin E.A., Konovalova N.Y., Kalabashkin P.N., Konovalova S.S. Productivity of Festulolium in Pure and Mixed Crops under Conditions of the European North of Russia. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 5. Pp. 24-27 (in Russ.).