N.A. Surin, N.E. Lyakhova, S.A. Gerasimov, A.G. Lipshin
Krasnoyarsk Agricultural Research Institute Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Research Center of the SB of the RAS”, prosp. Svobodnyi, 66, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose of the research was to study the adaptive potential of varieties and breeding lines of barley under conditions of Eastern Siberia. The studies were carried out in the breeding crop rotation of the Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture in 2013-2016. The soil was ordinary low thick chernozem. The forecrop was bare fallow with the neutral soil reaction (pH was 6.2). The objects of study were 15 samples: Krasnoyarsky 80, Kedr, Vulkan, Bakhus, Buyan, Abalak, Olenek, Emelya, Takmak, Biom, U-49-3795, U-27-3593, U-30-3624, F-68-4721, Ts-29-5047; Acha variety was a standard. Agrometeorological conditions of growing seasons during the years of the research were contrast: 2013 and 2014 years were excessively wet (hydrothermal coefficient was 2.20 and 2.11); 2015 year was not enough moist (1.21); 2016 year was moist enough (1.59). We selected samples of practical interest in different characteristics. For yield they are Abalak, Emelya, Takmak, F-68-4721, U-49-3795 (4.20-4.41 t/ha with Cv = 21.7-39.9 %). According to ecological stability of productivity (St2), we selected varieties Emelya, Takmak, U-27-3593, Y-30-3624 (0.913-0.953), according to stress-resistance (Ymax-Ymin) – Biom, Krasnoyarsky 80, Buyan, Emelya, Takmak, U-27-3593, U-30-3624, Ts-29-5047 (23.7-26.9). Abalak, Emelya, Takmak were distinguished by the general adaptive capacity of the genotype (GACi) (3.63-4.33), Kedr, Vulkan, Abalak, Olenek, U-49-3795, F-68-4721 – by the specific adaptive capacity (SACi) (12.30-16.86). According to the stability of genotype (Sgi), we selected the samples Emelya, Takmak, U-27-3593, U-30-3624 (21.20-25.60), to ecological plasticity (bi) – Kedr, Olenek, Abalak, U-49-3795, F-68-4721 (1.09-1.38). The best breeding value of genotypes (BVGi) was in the forms Vulkan, Olenek, Abalak, Emelya, Takmak, U-27-3593, U-49-3795, F-68-4721 (20.00-22.21). Vulkan, Abalak, Takmak, U-49-3795, U-30-3624, F-68-4721, Ts-29-5047 had the best specific coenotic productivity (SCP) (0.632-0.712). These samples are recommended to be involved in breeding work as the sources of valuable traits. According to the complex of characteristics the samples, developed with the involvement of the adaptive lines Olenek, Abalak, Takmak, F-68-4721, U-27-3593, deserve special attention.
Keywords: barley, complex assessment, productivity, variation, stress resistance, ecological plasticity and stability, breeding value of genotype.
Author Details: N.A. Surin, D. Sc. (Agr.), member of the RAS, chief research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.E. Lyakhova, leading research fellow; S.A. Gerasimov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow; A.G. Lipshin, research fellow.
For citation: Surin N.A., Lyakhova N.E., Gerasimov S.A., Lipshin A.G. Adaptive Potential of Barley of East Siberian Breeding. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. V.31. No. 5. Pp. 28-31 (in Russ.)..