Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал







I.Yu. Vinokurov1, O. S. Chernov1, A.A. Korchagin1,2, L.I. Il’in1
1Vladimir Agricultural Research Institute, ul. Tsentral’naya, 3, pos. Novyi, Suzdal’skii r-n, Vladimirskaya obl., 3601261, Russian Federation
2Vladimir State University, ul. Gor’kogo, 87, Vladimir, 600000, Russian Federation

Abstract. The results of crop rotations examination in Vladimir region are presented, which has been carried out for more than 35 years (since 1980). Six-field crop rotations with different saturation by grain crops were studied in a landscape stationary experiment, founded on gray forest soils of Vladimir Opolie in 1996. The purpose of the research was the substantiation of the agrobiological basis for the development of crop rotations of grain specialization according to the results of long-term stationary experiments. In the agrolandscape stationary experiment the productivity of 1 hectare of crop rotation area was 2,110 grain units with the productivity of cereals of 3.25 t/ha in a crop rotation with 50 % saturation by cereals. The scheme of the crop rotation was: bare fallow, winter wheat, oat + perennial grasses, first-year perennial grasses, second-year perennial grasses, barley. In this crop rotation it was applied manure (40 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers at the dose of 340 kg/ha of active substances (a.s.) for a rotation. The recoupment of 1 kg of mineral fertilizers was 31.0 grain units. The maximum efficiency of 1 ha of crop rotation area was obtained for the following crop rotation: potato, barley, seeded fallow (annual grasses), winter wheat, legume crops, spring wheat. It was applied manure in the dose of 80 t/ha and mineral fertilizers in the dose of 920 kg/ha (a.s.) in a rotation, and the saturation by cereals was 66.7 %. The productivity of 1 ha of crop rotation area in this variant was 3,290 grain units, the productivity of cereals was 3.72 t/ha. The recoupment of 1 kg of mineral fertilizers was 21.4 grain units. For all fertilizer systems nitrogen balance was positive and amounted to 0.9 to 517 kg/ ha. The biological nitrogen part varied from 8.5 to 25.3 %. An analysis of the fundamental approaches to the agrolandscape management system, which are based on the use of ideas about the sustainability of agroecosystems, showed that environmental restrictions occupy a dominant position in the development and implementation of agricultural adaptive landscape systems. Therefore, a system of crop rotation should occupy the leading position in the selection of fertilizer and crop rotation systems.

Keywords: crop rotation system, forecrops, productivity, gray forest soil, adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture.

Author Details: I.Yu. Vinokurov, Cand. Sc. (Chem.), head of laboratory (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); O.S. Chernov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow; A.A. Korchagin, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow; L.I. Il’in, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), director.

For citation: Vinokurov I.Yu., Chernov O.S., Korchagin A.A., Il’in L.I. Crop Rotations of Agricultural Adaptive-Landscape System for Gray Forest Soil of Vladimir Opolie. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 6. Pp. 15-20 (in Russ.).