G.A. Batalova1,2, Yu.E. Vedernikov1, E.M. Lisitsyn1, O.M. Snigireva1, A.N. Martyanova1
1N.V. Rudnitsky Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture of Northeast, ul. Lenina, 166a, Kirov, 610007, Russian Federation
2Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, prosp. Oktyabr’skii, 133, Kirov, 610017, Russian Federation
Abstract. We studied the influence of Bunker fungicide on the assimilating area of spring soft wheat ‘Bazhenka’, oat ‘Sapsan’, barley ‘Rodnik Prikamia’ in Kirov region in 2015–2016. The fungicide was tested separately and in tank mixtures for seed treatment (0.4–0.5 l/ha). We also examined biological preparations for the treatment of seeds and crops: Emistim R, 1 ml/t and 1 ml/ha in pure form, 0.5 ml/t in a tank mixture; Albit, 40 ml/t and 40 ml/ha in pure form, 20 ml/t in a tank mixture. Seeds and crops were treated separately and consecutively, seeds without any treatment were used as a control. At the treatment of wheat crops by Emistim R, the area of the flag and subflag leaves increased by 42.7 and 32.9 %, respectively (up to 6.68 and 8.52 cm2). Its usage for the treatment of seeds and crops of barley significantly increased the area of the flag leaf by 41.7 % (1.20 cm2), of the subflag leaf – by 24.6 % (2.10 cm2) relative to the treatment of crops only. The treatment of seeds by tank mixtures of Emistim R and Albit with Bunker fungicide had the similar effect on this crop. The flag leaf increased by 0.70 and 1.74 cm2, respectively, subflag one – by 1.20 and 2.69 cm2, in comparison with the control. Bunker fungicide caused a significant increase in the area of the flag and subflag leaves of oat – by 16.2 and 24.7 %, correspondingly (by 0.90 and 0.80 cm2). The greatest area of the oat flag leaf was noted at the double application of Emistim R (10.16 cm2), of subflag one – at the application of Albit (16.77 cm2). In this case at the usage of Emistim R the increase in the areas of subflag and flag leaves was 20.0 % (2.77 cm2) and 26.4 % (2.12 cm2), respectively, relative to the seed treatment; and 50.3 % (3.40 cm2) and 23.0 % (3.11 cm2) in comparison with the foliar application.
Keywords: wheat, barley, oat, chemical protectant, biological preparations, Emistim R, Albit, leaf surface area.
Author Details: G.A. Batalova, D. Sc. (Agr.), prof., member of the RAS, head of division (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); Yu.E. Vedernikov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), head of laboratory; E.M. Lisitsyn, D. Sc. (Biol.), head of division; O.M. Snigireva, junior research fellow; A.N. Martyanova, junior research fellow.
For citation: Batalova G.A., Vedernikov Yu.E., Lisitsyn E.M., Snigireva O.M., Martyanova A.N. Influence of Agro-Pesticides on the Assimilating Area of Spring Cereal Crops. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 6. Pp. 39-42 (in Russ.).