Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал







Ju.V. Kuranda
M.A. Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia, Zmeinogorskii trakt, 49, Barnaul, Altaiskii krai, 656045, Russian Federation

Abstract.The investigations were carried out in FGBNU “M.A. Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia” in 2013-2016 for the purpose of expansion of Astilbe assortment with modern cultivars of different specific origin and to reveal peculiarities of their propagation under conditions of the forest-steppe of the south of Western Siberia. Observations for Astilbe plants were carried out according to the methods of state variety trials, data processing – using the methods, developed by G.N. Zaitsev. The objects of the research were 16 Astilbe cultivars of the following groups: A. chinensis (Maxim.) Franch.et Sav., A. japonica (Morr. Et Decne.) A. Gray, A. simplicifolia Makino, A. Arendsii Arends, A. hybrida hort. Regrowth of Astilbe cultivars was observed from the third decade of April till the first decade of May. Blossoming began from June 21 till August 14 (July 4 ± 10 days) in hot dry 2015, and from July 03 to August 05 (July 18 ± 10 days) in hot moist 2013. The duration of blossoming was from 23 ± 6 days in 2015 up to 25 ± 8 days in 2014. The cultivars of A. chinensis (Finale, Purpurkerze, Purpurlance, Superba, Pumila) and Hennie Graafland (A. simplicifolia) blossomed more than 30 days. The height of plants averaged 40–100 cm, the height of inflorescences was 10.0–45.0 cm, the width of inflorescences was 4.0–26.9 cm. The high survival of renewal buds with a part of rhizome was noted in varieties of all garden groups; the cultivars with horizontal rhizome increase (A. chinensis) had a higher survival of rhizome segments and vegetative propagation coefficient. According to complex of characters the cultivars with good expansion ability and long period of ornamentation were selected: Vesuvius, Unique Silver Pink, Radius, Hennie Graafland; late blossoming, high and low cultivars of A. chinensis: Superba, Purpurkerze, Diamond and Pearls, Pumila, Purpurlance, Finale; the varieties with the largest number of peduncles: Gladstone, Deutchland, Brautschleier, Younique Silvery Pink.

Keywords: Astilbe Buh-Ham, cultivars, regrowth, terms and duration of blossoming, plant height, size of inflorescences, cutting, renewal buds, rhizomes, propagation coefficient.

Author Details:Ju.V. Kuranda, junior research fellow (е-mаil: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).

For citation: Kuranda Ju.V. Promising Cultivars of Astilbe Buh-Ham and Their Propagation in the South of Western Siberia. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. V.31. No. 6. Pp. 58-61 (in Russ.).