I.I. Kozlova, I.V. Lukiyanchuk
I.V. Michurin Federal Research Center, ul. Michurina, 30, Michurinsk, Tambovskaya obl., 393764, Russian Federation
Abstract. The investigations were carried out in 1998–2017 in order to develop a technological scheme of integrated production and storage of strawberry as well as to improve the assortment in terms of breeding and genetics. The work was carried out on the test plots of I.V. Michurin Federal Scientific Center with the use of the standard methods for variety testing, agrochemical experiments, biochemical examination of plants. The layout of strawberry in technological experiments on the ridges with the height of 10–15 cm was ((1.4 + 0.3) x 0.3) m, in collection tests – (0.9 x 0.3) m. The soil was leached heavy loamy chernozem. The balance of berries on the consumer market in 2013 was 245,000 t; in 2015 it was 210,000 t due to the reduction of the import by 58.9 %. Under conditions of import substitution the increase in berry production is scientifically substantiated by the following technological elements of the integrated system: crop rotations with the use of green manure cultures; new constructions of plantations, including ridges and mulching materials; spring and summer sowing dates; improved seedlings FRIGO or in cassettes; dropping irrigation and fertigation; after-harvesting keeping of berry quality by the use of low-capacity package and short-term storage at varied temperatures. The mastering of the technology of the integrated production of strawberry in OOO “Sadovod”, Samara region, ensured the average yield of 17.03 t/ha and profitability of 225 % in a four-year cycle. The technological model of prolonged production of strawberry in OOO “Sladunika”, Voronezh region, ensured to extend the period of berry growth up to 120 days and bring the profitability up to the level of more than 210 %. Cultivation of strawberry ‘NF205’ (‘Roxana’), ‘NF311’ (‘Alba’), ‘Asia’ and ‘Maya’ ensures high indices of marketable quality (90–95 %). The highest yield was formed by ‘Elsanta’ (18 t/ha), ‘NF311’ (20 t/ha), ‘NF205’ (19.8 t/ha), ‘Vima Kimberly’ (18.6 t/ha). Varieties ‘Lastochka’, ‘Flora’, ‘Pamyati Zubova’ was characterized by high complex resistance to fungi diseases of leaves; cultivars ‘Urozhajnaya CGL’, ‘Fejerverk’ were resistant to late blight and verticullium wilt. ‘Privlekatelnaya’ cultivar was distinguished by high content of sugar (10.9 %) and anthocyanins (129.7 mg/100 g).
Keywords: strawberry, technological systems, technological regulations, introduction, breeding, varieties.
Author Details: I.I. Kozlova, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), head of group (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); I.V. Lukiyanchuk, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), senior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).
For citation: Kozlova I.I., Lukiyanchuk I.V. Technological and Breeding Basis of Scientific Support of Strawberry Production under Conditions of Import Substitution. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 7. Pp. 26-29 (in Russ.).