P.A. Chekmarev1, V.N. Fomin2, S.L. Turnin2
1Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Orlikov pereulok, 1/11, Moskva, 107139, Russian Federation
2Tatar Institute of Professional Development in Agribusiness, ul. Orenburgskii trakt, 8, Kazan’, 420059, Russian Federation
Abstract. A field experiment on the comparative evaluation of maize hybrids of different maturity groups was carried out on leached chernozem of Chistopolsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2014–2016. The design of the experiment included the examination of 10 hybrids (Voronezhsky 158 SV, Lider 165 SV, Ladozhsky 181 MV, Ladozhsky 191 SV, ROSS 140 SV, Kaskad 195 SV, ROSS 195 MV, Katerina SV, Mashuk 170, Nur) against two backgrounds of mineral nutrition: without fertilizers (control) and NPK counting on 6 t/ha of grain. The following varieties were the most productive against the background calculated for 6 t/ha of corn grain on average over three years of investigation: Ladozhsky 191 SV (7.76 t/ha), Kaskad 195 SV (7.28 t/ha), Ladozhsky 181 MV (7.17 t/ha), ROSS 195 MV (7.04 t/ha). The smallest value of this indicator (5.17 t/ha) was noted at the cultivation of ROSS 140 SV hybrid. To obtain stable yields under conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan it is necessary to sow early maturing corn hybrids, the index of precocity of which is less than 200, and the sum of effective temperatures before harvest is 1050–1100 Celsius degrees. The difference between hybrids of ten units leads to a delay in the development at 1.0–1.8 days. The application of calculated rates of fertilizers, taking into account local factors of carrying-out and utilization of nutrients from soil and fertilizers ensures the obtaining of the yield of corn close to the calculated one.
Keywords: grain, corn, yield, cultivation technology, hybrid.
Author Details: P.A. Chekmarev, member of the RAS, D. Sc. (Agr.), director of division; V.N. Fomin, D. Sc. (Agr.), prof.; S.L. Turnin, post graduate student (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).
For citation: Chekmarev P.A., Fomin V.N., Turnin S.L. Influence of Variety and Fertilizers on Corn Productivity at Cultivation for Grain. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 9. Pp. 22-24 (in Russ.).