О.А. Bagno, S.N. Belova, О.N. Prohorov
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, ul. Markovtseva, 5, Kemerovo, 650056, Russian Federation
Abstract. The method of dry extrusion allows to obtain aseptic feeds with a high index of nutrients digestibility, long storage stability, improved organoleptic qualities and reduced content of anti-nutritional compounds. The aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of using a feed mixture produced by the dry extrusion method based on grain cereals, fodder of animal origin, brewer pellets and rapeseed cake (OOO “InvestResurs”, Kemerovo) for fattening young pigs – two-breed hybrids (Duroc x Pietren) at the age of 3–5 months. Under conditions of Kemerovo region in 2017 a control and an experimental group of piglets, 15 head in each, were formed by the method of pairs-analogs. To determine the growth rates of the experimental animals, every month there were scaled the pigs’ weight, absolute and daily average body weight gain, feed intake in total and per a unit of body weight gain during the fattening period. Daily consumption of the studied feed mixture by the piglets in the amount of 250 grams per head contributed to an increase in their body weight up to 53.54 kg to 5 months, which is significantly higher than in the control by 11.4%. It also formed the daily average body weight gain of 257.8 g, which is higher by 30.8% than in the control. The absolute growth of body weight was 23.21 kg, which is higher by 30.8% than in the control. The feeding by the feed mixture reduced feed costs per 1 kg of body weight gain by 3.8 kg (to 7.7 kg) – by 33.0% in comparison to the control one. The use of the extruded feed mixtures allowed to obtain an economic effect equal to 463.2 RUB on a head. Young animals from the experimental group were more uniform during the entire period of the study, which was confirmed by the calculated indices of variation of the average body weight, which was 13.55% in the control group (on average over 90 days), and 9.67% in the experimental group.
Keywords: feed mixture, extrusion, food and processing industry waste, pigs, body weight, daily average body weight gain.
Author Details: О.А. Bagno, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), assoc. prof. (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); S.N. Belova, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), assoc. prof.; О.N. Prohorov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), assoc. prof.
For citation: Bagno О.А., Belova S.N., Prohorov О.N. Use of Extruded Feed Mixture Based on Wastes of Food and Processing Industry for Pigs Fattening. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 10. Pp. 75-77 (in Russ.).