T.A. Rozhmina1, A.I. Ryzhov2, I.A. Kuzemkin1, T.S. Kiseleva1
1All-Russian Flax Research Institute, ul. Lunacharskogo, 35, Torzhok, Tverskaya obl., 172002, Russian Federation
2Agency» Flax», per. Malyi Golovin, 8, Moskva, 107045, Russian Federation
Abstract. We generalized long-term results of an integrated study of intraspecific variety of flax gene pool, carried out in All-Russian Flax Research Institute (1994–2016), which made it possible to identify valuable genotypes and to elaborate approaches for the development of specialized flax varieties with specified quality parameters of fiber, effective genes of resistance to Fusarium wilt. Under conditions of the collection nursery and against infectious-provocative backgrounds, 455 flax samples were evaluated. The intraspecific variety of flax was investigated by physical-mechanical, biochemical and morphological-anatomical signs, which determined the quality of fiber. The differences in strength and flexibility between samples of fiber flax reached 2 times, the content of pectin – 6 times, lignin and ash elements – 3 times. Based on the use of new approaches, the variety of fiber flax ‘Universal’ was developed and included in the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation since 2017. The variety is characterized by high content of cellulose components in the fiber (89%), increased decorticate ability and uniform distribution of fibrous bundles along the length of the stem (the runout is 0.61–0.69 mm). We evaluated 86 samples of flax for the resistance to high and low values of soil pH using selective backgrounds: weakly acidic control (pH was 5.3–5.8), strongly acidic background (pH was 4.5 and lower), neutral background (pH was 7.0–7.5). Using the infectious-provocative background, based on the results of the phytopathological test and the hybridologic analysis, a genetic collection was created on the resistance to Fusarium wilt, comprising 22 genetic sources; the selection and genetic technology based on the use of the method of continuous double backcross was developed. With its application, a series of lines – donors of resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. lini was developed, among which competitive flax varieties ‘Sursky’ and ‘Tsezar’ were, possessing different R-genes, which are included in the State Register of the Russian Federation since 2015 and 2017, respectively. Flax ‘Tsezar’ possesses complex resistance to four the most harmful diseases: Fusarium wilt, rust, anthracnose and pasmo disease, and ‘Sursky’ – to Fusarium wilt and rust.
Keywords: flax; specialized varieties; quality of fiber; decorticate ability; resistance; Fusarium wilt.
Author Details: Т.A. Rozhmina, D. Sc. (Biol.), director (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); A.I. Ryzhov, Cand. Sc. (Techn.), deputy director; A.I. Kuzemkin, post graduate student; T.S. Kiseleva, senior research fellow.
For citation: Rozhmina Т.A., Ryzhov A.I., Kuzemkin A.I., Kiseleva T.S. Intraspecific Variety of Linum usitatissimum L. and Its Role in the Decision of a Problem of Raw Maintenance of the Country. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 12. Pp. 17-20 (in Russ.).