G.V. Ignat’eva, E.V. Vikulina, Z.E. Satarina
Vladimir Agricultural Research Institute, ul. Tsentral’naya, pos. Novyi, Suzdal’skii r-n, Vladimirskaya obl., 3601261, Russian Federation
Abstract. It is presented the comparative characteristics of spring soft wheat varieties, developed in collaboration of Vladimir and Moscow Agricultural Research Institutes, as well as by the Scientific and Practical Center of Belarus on Agriculture for the last ten years. ‘Zlata’ variety, bred in two Russian institutes, was created by the method of individual selection from an F4 hybrid population (Ivolga x Prokhorovka); competitive and ecological variety tests were carried out in 2003–2005, state test – in 2006–2008. It was included in the State Register for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 regions of the Russian Federation, and it is characterized by precocity and high quality of grain. Varieties Sudarynya, Lad’ya and Kamenka are the results of environmental breeding of the Scientific and Practical Center of Belarus on Agriculture and the Vladimir Institute. ‘Sudarynya’ was developed by the method of individual selection from an F2 hybrid population (Contessa x Banti) x Kvattro; competitive and ecological variety tests were carried out in 2007–2009, the state test – in 2012–2013. It was included in the State Register for 2, 3 and 4 regions of the Russian Federation. The variety is middle-early, combines high productivity and resistance to lodging. Variety ‘Lad’ya’ was developed by the method of individual selection from an F6 hybrid population (Lavett x Rassvet), since 2013 one has conducted competitive and environmental tests, since 2016 – the state test. In the competitive variety test according to the normal technology on gray forest soils under conditions of Vladimir region, its average yield for 5 years was 4.38 t/ha (it is higher by 0.4 t/ha that the yield of ‘Sudarynya’), according to intensive technology under conditions of Belarus – 8.47 t/ha (it is higher by 0.75 t/ha that the yield of ‘Sudarynya’). ‘Kamenka’ was developed by the method of individual selection from an F8 hybrid population (Kvattro x Banti), since 2013 one has conducted competitive and environmental tests, since 2016 – the state test. In the ecological variety testing according to normal technology on gray forest soils in Vladimir region, the average yield for 5 years was 4.44 t/ha, according to the intensive technology in Belarus – 8.22 t/ha, which is higher by 0.46 and 0.4 t/ha than that of ‘Sudarynya’ variety.
Keywords: environmental breeding; spring soft wheat; environmental factors; yield; grain quality; immunity; lodging resistance.
Author Details: G.V. Ignat’eva, senior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); E.V. Vikulina, head of division; Z.E. Satarina, senior research fellow.
For citation: Ignat’eva, G.V. Vikulina E.V., Satarina Z.E. New Varieties of Spring Wheat as a Result of Environmental Breeding. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 12. Pp. 21-24 (in Russ.).