A.V. Zhuravleva
Siberian Research Agricultural Institute, prosp. Koroleva , 26, Omsk, 644012, Russian Federation
Abstract. In 2014–2017 in the garden of the Siberian Agricultural Research Institute, located in the southern forest-steppe of Omsk region, the investigations were carried out in order to identify valuable forms of clonal rootstocks of apple trees for future usage in the production. The soil of the test plot is meadow-chernozem with medium loamy mechanical composition with an expressed sand fraction. The reaction of the soil solution in the arable layer is close to neutral. The objects of research were clonal apple rootstocks 54-118 and 62-396. Green and woody cuttings were rooted in a greenhouse with film coat and with the artificial misting installation. The substrate was a mixture of sand and peat (1:1). The scheme of planting of cuttings was 5x5 cm. The replication was fourfold; the number of cuttings in a replication was 25 pieces; the distribution was randomized. We used kornevin (powdering of cuts) as a rooting regulator for green cuttings and heteroauxin and kornevin (soaking in the solution for 16 hours) for woody cuttings. The height of parent plants of rootstock 54-118 at the end of the growing season on average over the years of the research amounted to 152 cm, rootstock 62-396 – 72cm. The formation of callus at green cuttings in 2014 was observed in 10–12 days after planting, in 2015 and 2016 – in 8–10 days, in 2017 – in 12–14 days, which was caused by hot weather. There was not observed mass rotting of cuttings during the years of the research; most of the nonrooted cuttings were with callus. The rooting capacity of rootstock 54-118 varied from 60 to 98%, of rootstock 62-396 – from 32 to 88%. The average growth of their cuttings was 8 and 5 cm, respectively. The tested apple tree rootstocks have high rooting ability of green cutting, on average 73–88%. On the propagation of rootstocks of an apple tree by woody cuttings, the best results were observed in rootstock 62-396 – 53.5–55.0%. .
Keywords: reproduction; clonal rootstocks; apple tree; green cutting; woody cutting; rooting ability.
Author Details: A.V. Zhuravleva, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), senior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).
For citation: Zhuravleva A.V. Propagation of Clonal Rootstocks of Apple Trees by Green and Woody Cuttings. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 12. Pp. 44-46 (in Russ.).