E.A. Izhmulkina, I.A. Ganieva
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, ul. Markovtseva, 5, Kemerovo, 650056, Russian Federation
Abstract. In the last decade, Russian agricultural producers have increased the production of seeds of spring and winter rape, which serve as raw materials for the production of food and technical vegetable oil (biofuel), as well as feed mixtures for farm animals. With the accelerated development of livestock, the protein deficit in feed increases every year. This can be filled by using spring rape in a green conveyor, for harvesting haylage and silage, as well as rape oil and meal in the production of feed mixtures. Investigations were carried out in order to study the current state of the rape market and foresight of its development in the near future. The crop area of rape in the world is constantly increasing and in 2017 it amounted to 36.4 million hectares. Most of it is sown in Canada (9.2 million hectares), India (7.2 million hectares), China (6.8 million hectares) and the European Union (6.7 million hectares), the area occupied by rape in these countries is 82% of the crop area of the culture in the world. In general, in 2017, the EU and Canada accounted for about 30% and 27% of the total world production of rape, respectively. In the Russian Federation for 10 years the gross harvest of rape seeds increased 3.7 times. In 2017, it was harvested on the area of 903.9 thousand hectares, from which 1.5 million tons of seeds were harvested. With the growth of sowing areas by 4.7%, the production increased by 50%, which is due to the increase in the yield up to 1.73 t/ha.
Keywords: rape, rape market, demand, supply, export, import, crop area, yield, gross yield.
Author Details: E.A. Izhmulkina, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), vice-rector (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); I.A. Ganieva, D. Sc. (Econ.), rector.
For citation: Izhmulkina E.A., Ganieva I.A. Modern Condition of the Rape Market in Russia and the World. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 12. Pp. 82-85 (in Russ.).