D.N. Pechnikov, V.N. Goreeva, E.V. Korepanova, I.Sc. Fatihov
Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, ul. Studencheskaya, 11, Izhevsk, 426000, Russian Federation
Abstract. Investigations were carried out under conditions of the Middle Cis-Ural region in the experimental field of AO “Uchkhoz Iyul'skoe IzhGSKhA” in 2014-2015. The aim of the study was to reveal the reaction of oil flax ‘VNIIMK 620’ on the methods of preseeding and postsowing soil cultivation. The soil of the test plot was soddy, medium podzolic, medium loamy. The arable layer was characterized by the following agrochemical characteristics: the content of humus was from low to medium (2.2-2.5 %), of mobile phosphorus – from increased to high (148-275 mg/kg), of mobile potassium – increased (145-170 mg/kg); pH(KCl) was from medium acid to neutral (4.6-5.7). Oil flax ‘VNIIMK 620’ responded positively to the preseeding tandem soil cultivation by KMN-4.0 both with early spring harrowing by BZTS-1.0 and without it. Seed yield in these cases grew by 70-100 kg/ha, which was due to an increase in the amount of seeds per plant by 3.3-4.0 seeds and in their weight by 0.03 g. The control variant of preseeding treatment was early spring harrowing by BZTS-1.0 with the following cultivation by KPS-4.0 with simultaneous harrowing by BZTS-1.0 and packing by ZKKSh-6A before sowing. The variant with early spring harrowing by BZTS-1.0 with the following cultivation by KPS-4.0 with simultaneous harrowing by BZTS-1.0 and preseeding cultivation by KMN-4.0 did not yield to the control variant by seed productivity. The response of oil flax ‘VNIIMK 620’ to the methods of postsowing soil cultivation approved in the formation of higher seed yield (by 90-220 kg/ha) in the variants with preseeding harrowing by BP-0.6A separately and in the combination with soil packing by ZKKSh-6A after sowing. The increase in the seed yield was obtained by additional 20-33 plants/m2 before harvest, a larger amount of seeds (by 2.4-7.1 seeds) and their greater weight per plant (by 0.02-0.05 g).
Keywords: soddy, medium podzolic, medium loamy soil; oil flax; VNIIMK 620 variety; preseeding soil cultivation; postsowing soil cultivation; harrowing, cultivation, packing, productivity of seeds; structure of productivity.
Author Details: D.N. Pechnikov, post graduate student; V.N. Goreeva, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), assoc. prof. (е-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); E.V. Korepanova, D. Sc. (Agr.), prof.; I. Sh. Fatihov, D. Sc. (Agr.), prof.
For citation: Pechnikov D.N., Goreeva V.N., Korepanova E.V., Fatihov I.Sh. Reaction of Oil Flax ‘VNIIMK 620’ on the Methods of Preseeding and Postsowing Soil Cultivation. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. V. 31. No. 3. Pp. 12-15 (in Russ.).