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Reaction of Spring Durum Wheat Varieties to Fertilizers and its Seeding Rates when Cultivated Using No-Till Technology in the Steppe Zone of the Altai Territory


M. A. Rozova, A. I. Ziborov, V. I. Usenko, E. E. Egiazaryan
Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies, Nauchnyi gorodok, 35, Barnaul, 656910, Russian Federation

Abstract. In 2017–2018, we studied the reaction of spring durum wheat varieties, such as middle-early Pamyati Yanchenko and Salut Altaya, mid-ripening Solnechnaya 573, middle-late Gordeiforme 677 and Oazis to seeding rates (3.5 million and 4.5 million germinating seeds per 1 ha) and fertilizers (0, N40, N40S44, N40P40 and N40P40S28) when cultivated using no-till technology in the steppe zone of the Altai Krai. The soil was ordinary chernozem. The content of humus in the arable layer was 5.2%; the content of mobile phosphorus and potassium (according to Chirikov’s method) was high and very high, respectively; the content of mobile nitrogen was low and medium; the content of sulphur was low; the content of pH(KCl) was 6.4. The yield of wheat was determined by the effect of fertilizers (60.2%) and genotype (15.2%). It increased from mid-ripening and mid-early (1.88–1.94 t/ha) to medium-late (2.14–2.19 t/ha) varieties. The use of N40 ensured, in comparison with the unfertilized background, an increase in the grain yield by 0.20 t/ha (11.8%), the use of N40P40 – an increase by 0.49 t/ha (28.8%), and the use of N40P40S28 – an increase by 0.72 t/ha (42.4%). An increase in the seeding rate contributed to an increase in the productivity, but worsened grain quality. The grain hardness depended on the genotype (65.0%), seeding rate (9.8%), interaction of these factors, and fertilizers (5.2–8.2%). The value of this indicator decreased from middle-early and mid-ripening varieties to middle-late ones, as well as with an increase in the seeding rate. The protein and gluten content in durum wheat grain was determined by the genotype (57.3–74.7%), fertilizers (17.6–28.3%), and seeding rate (4.6–8.9%). It increased from middle-late varieties to mid-ripening and middle-early ones, as well as with a decrease in the seeding rate and nitrogen fertilizers application rate, especially those enriched with sulphur. The introduction of nitrogen-phosphorus and nitrogen-phosphorus-sulphur fertilizers allowed for maintaining the protein and gluten content at the same level with a significant increase in grain productivity.

Keywords: spring durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.); variety; variety response; seeding rate; fertilizer; yield; grain hardness; protein; gluten.

Author Details: M. A. Rozova, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); A. I. Ziborov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow; V. I. Usenko, D. Sc. (Agr.), chief research fellow; E. E. Egiazaryan, research fellow.

For citation: Rozova M. A., Ziborov A. I., Usenko V. I., Egiazaryan E. E. Reaction of Spring Durum Wheat Varieties to Fertilizers and its Seeding Rates when Cultivated Using No-Till Technology in the Steppe Zone of the Altai Territory. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2019. Vol. 33. No. 10. Pp. 34–39 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24411/0235-2451-2019-11008.