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The use of biological products and growth stimulants in the cultivation of soybean in the Primorsky Territory


O. V. Syrmolot1, E. S. Baidelyuk1, N. S. Kocheva2
1Far Eastern research Institute for plant protection, ul. Mira, 42a, s. Kamen-Rybolov, Khankaiskii r-n, Primorskii krai, 692684, Russian Federation
2Chaika Federal Scientific Center for Agrobiotechnology of the Far East, ul. Volozhenina, 30, pos. Timiryazevskii, Ussuriisk, Primorskii krai, 692539, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the research was to study the effect of biological products and growth stimulants on the infestation of soybean plants by false mildew and Septoria blight, as well as the formation of crop yield under the conditions of the Primorsky Territory. The work was performed in 2018–2019 in the Primorsky Territory. The objects of the research were plants of the Primorskaya 86 soybean variety. We compared the effectiveness of various combinations of biological products based on bacterial strains Bacillus subtilis Bactofit, Gamair, and growth regulators Zirkon and Mival-Agro. The studied means were used for seed treatment and spraying of vegetative plants. The experimental design included the following options: no treatment (the control); seed treatment (30 g/t) and spraying of plants (60 g/ha) with Gamair; seed treatment with Gamair (30 g/t) + spraying of plants with Zirkon (50 mL/ha); seed treatment with Gamair (30 g/t) + spraying of plants with Mival-Agro (15 g/ha); seed treatment (2 kg/t) and spraying of plants with Baktofit (2 kg/ha); seed treatment with Baktofit (2 kg/t) + spraying of plants with Zirkon (50 mL/ha); seed treatment with Baktofit (2 kg/ha) + spraying of plants with Mival-Agro (15 g/ha). The maximum efficiency against Septoria (29.7%) was registered in the option Gamair + Mival-Agro. The best combination against false mildew was Baktofit + Zircon, the biological efficiency of which was 26.1%. All the preparations had a positive effect on the growth and development of soybean plants. When using them, the weight of 1000 seeds significantly increased, in comparison with the control (176.2 g), by 13.5– 22.0%. The highest yield was noted in the Baktofit and Mival-Agro treatment (2.75 t/ha); the increase relative to the control (1.84 t/ha) was 50%.

Keywords: soybean (Glycine max); biological products; growth stimulants; growth and development; crop structure; yield; increase.

Author Details: O. V. Syrmolot, research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); E. S. Baidelyuk, research fellow; N. S. Kocheva, research fellow.

For citation: Syrmolot OV, Baidelyuk ES, Kocheva NS [The use of biological products and growth stimulants in the cultivation of soybean in the Primorsky Territory]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2020;34(8):70-4.Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-10812.