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Productivity of own-rooted plantings of grapes on chestnut soils in the zone of continuous phylloxera infestation


G. P. Malykh, I. A. Avdeenko, A. A Grigoriev
Potapenko All-Russian research institute of viticulture and Winemaking – branch of the Federal Rostov agricultural research center, prosp. Baklanovcky, 166, Novocherkassk, Rostovskaya obl., 346421, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to develop an improved method of planting own-rooted grape seedlings and fertilizing on chestnut soils in an area infected with phylloxera. The work was performed in the Chechen Republic in 2012–2017. The soil of the experimental plot was characterized by a low content of humus and nutrients, a medium loamy granulometric composition, strong compaction, a lumpy-silty structure, sulfate type of salinity, and the lime content of 7.5%. The years of the study were characterized by an unstable winter period with little snow, frequent thaws, and the air temperature drops to -35 C. In terms of conditions, the spring and autumn periods were close to the norm; the summer period was characterized by an abundance of precipitation, which favourably affected the growth and development of grapes. A close relationship was revealed between the planting method, the survival rate of seedlings, leaf area, the ripening of the shoots, and the quantity and quality of the crop. When planting in pits with the deep application of horse manure and mineral fertilizer Green Go 8-16-24 + 10 CaO at a dose of 15 kg/ha the survival rate of seedlings was 98.4%; when planting after hydraulic drilling with the same amount of fertilizer at autumn plantage ploughing the survival rate of seedlings was 87.6%. The highest survival rate was noted for variety Moldova in the option with the introduction of Green Go fertilizer 8-16-24 + 10 CaO under each seedling to a depth of 120 cm at the dose of 15 kg/ha + 40 kg of rotted horse manure – 99.8%. In the same option, we noted a high yield of four-year-old plants of Avgustin variety – 14.23 t/ha, which was higher by 7.07 t/ha than after hydraulic drilling. To ensure a high survival rate of grape seedlings on chestnut soils and to reduce the cost of planting and repairing of plantings, it is recommended to plant with the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Keywords: grapes (Vitis); own-rooted seedling; plantation productivity; fertilizers; plantation ploughing; hydraulic drilling; seedlings survival; economic efficiency.

Author Details: G. P. Malykh, D. Sc. (Agr.), chief research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); I. A. Avdeenko, junior research fellow; A. A Grigoriev, junior research fellow.

For citation: Malykh GP, Avdeenko IA, Grigoriev AA [Productivity of own-rooted plantings of grapes on chestnut soils in the zone of continuous phylloxera infestation]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2021;35(1):31-5. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2021-10106.