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Reaction of oil flax to environmental conditions of the Middle Urals


A. P. Kolotov
Ural Federal Agricultural Scientific Center, Ural branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Belinskogo 112 A, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya obl., 620142, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to identify changes in the yield of oil flax and separate elements of its structure under different growing conditions. The study results were processed by methods of variance and regression analysis. Oil flax varieties Severny, Uralsky, and LM 98 were grown on grey forest soils of the Middle Urals in 2012–2020. The arable layer (0–20 cm) of the soil in the experimental plots was characterized by a slightly acidic reaction and average humus content; provision with mobile potassium was average; provision with phosphorus varied from average to high. The reaction of oil flax to the lack of positive temperature and excessive moisture was manifested in an increase in the duration of the growing season and plant height. At the same time, the difference between the minimum and maximum values ​​of these indicators reached 21–30 days and 15–21 cm. The environmental conditions had the greatest influence on the weight of 1,000 seeds. Small seeds with a value of this indicator varying from 5.6 g to 6.0 g were formed in the warm and dry year of 2012 (HTC = 1.10); the largest seeds weighing 7.0–7.2 g were cultivated in the cool and wet year of 2015 (HTC = 2.20). The average yield of oil flax seeds was 1.90–2.14 t/ha, reaching the level of 2.30–2.88 t/ha under the favourable conditions of 2017 (HTC = 1.77). Uralsky variety was the most productive. A high seed yield was ensured by the formation of a large number of capsules per plant and seeds per capsule, as well as the mass of 1000 seeds. An average negative correlation was recorded between the number of capsules per plant and the number of productive plants per unit area (r = -0.46). The optimum density of oil flax plants before harvesting was 550–580 pcs/m2, while the average number of capsules per plant was 10–11; capsules usually contained 6–7 normally developed seeds.

Keywords: oil flax (Linum usitatissimum L.); variety; seeds; Middle Urals; productivity; yield structure.

Author Details: A. P. Kolotov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), senior researcher fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).

For citation: Kolotov AP. [Reaction of oil flax to environmental conditions of the Middle Urals]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2021;35(6):20-4. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2021-10604.