№ 08-2022 EN

A.V. Gostev. The contribution of the Kursk Federal Agrarian Research Centre to the development of domestic digital design of adaptive landscape agriculture…5


A. I. Grabovets. Problems of grain crops breeding and seed production and prospects for scientific and innovative support of the agro-industrial complex of the regions…10

D. I. Eremin, A. A. Menshchikova, T. E. Sergeeva, M. G. Kastornova. Resistance of oat varieties of Krasnodar breeding to salt stress at the initial stage of ontogenesis…14

O. A. Yusova,P. N. Nikolaev. Adaptability of new promising varieties of spring barley of Omsk breeding…20

S. A. Ignat’ev, A. A. Regidin, K. N. Goryunov, T. V. Gryazeva, N. G. Ignat’eva, T. G. Derova. The results of the study of a new variety of variegated alfalfa Sudarynya…25

I. A. Kuzemkin, T. A. Rozhmina. Screening of oil flax collection samples in terms of productivity and their adaptability under the conditions of the North-West of Russia…30

E. Yu. Toropova, I.G. Vorob’eva, A.A.Kirichenko, R.I. Trunov. Parasitic activity of soil phytopathogens on spring wheat varieties in the forest-steppe of Western Siberia…37

Yu. P. Sukhanovskii, A. V. Prushchik, V. A. Vitovtov, A. G. Titov, S. A. Tarasov. Improving of the methodology for assessing the consequences of soil erosion during field experiments…44

E. V. Dubovik, D. V. Dubovik, A. N. Morozov, A. V. Shumakov. Main tillage minimization under the conditions of the Kursk region…49

O. I. Goryanin, L.V. Pronovich, B. Zh. Dzhangabaev, E. V. Shcherbinina. Optimisation of manufacturing process in the cultivation of spring barley in the Middle Volga region…55


N. A. Volkova. Dynamics of spermatogenesis in male interspecific hybrids of domestic sheep and argali…61

M. V. Modorov, K. R. Fairushina, A. A. Kleshcheva, I. V. Tkachenko, O. I. Leshonok, M. Yu. Se­­vost’yanov. Reproduction of breeding Holsteinized black-and-white cattle of the Sverdlovsk region…67


M. I. Egorova, L. N. Puzanova. Global trends and new challenges for the Russian beet sugar industry: scientific aspect…72

E. A. Pyanikova, A. E. Kovaleva, E. V. Оvchinnikova, O. S. Taratorina, М. Kolchanov. Rationale for the use of ingredients to obtain a low-calorie chocolate biscuit «Brownie»…81

A. G. Moiseenko, V. V. Martirosyan, E. V. Zhirkova, I. B. Leonova, E. A. Pyanikova. Biotesting of multigrain bakery products…87

E. A. Pyanikova, A. E. Kovaleva, A. I. Pykhtin. Development of a descriptors intensity scale for the organoleptic evaluation of «Brownie»…92

V. G. Dzhavakhiya, N. V. Statsyuk, O. D. Mikityuk, T. M. Voinova, L. A. Shcherbakova. 6-Deme­thylmevinolin as a blocker of the biosynthesis of aflatoxin B1, zearalenone and deoxynivalenol by toxigenic fungi-contaminants of agricultural products…97