Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




№ 05-2018 EN


A. A. Shpedt, Yu. F. Edimeichev, Yu. N.Trubnikov. Agroecological Aspects of the Design of Adaptive-Landscape Systems of Agriculture under Conditions of Central Siberia…5

A. I. Melnikov, L. G. Beleneva. State and Dynamics of Agrochemical Indicators of Arable Lands of Kulunda Zone of Altai Krai…11

E. I. Godunova, S. N. Shkabarda. Influence of the Aftereffect of Hydrogel on the Yield of Green Mass of Oil Radish in the Zone of Unstable Moistening, Depending on Tillage Methods and Mineral Fertilizers…15

O. M. Soboleva. Role of Rhizosphere Bacteria in Enhancing the Ecologization of Agrocenosis…19

A. V. Bobrovskiy, L. W. Plechanova, A. A. Kryuchkov, T. A. Snytkova, N. S. Gerasimova. Influence of Mineral Fertilizers on Productivity and Grain Quality of Spring Wheat under Conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe…23

L. K. Butkovskaya, D. N. Kuz’min, G. M. Ageeva, V. V. Kazanov. Influence of Sowing Date and Fertilizers on the Yield and Seed Quality of Oat Varieties of Different Maturity Groups under Conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe…26

M. A. Timina. Response of Winter Rye ‘Krasnoyarskaya Universalnaya’ to the Change of the Seeding Rate…29

V. N. Romanov, V. K. Ivchenko, I. O. Il’chenko, M. V. Lugantseva. Influence of Tillage Methods in a Crop Rotation on Moisture Dynamics and Agrophysical Properties of Leached Chernozem…32

N. V. Perfilyev, O. A. Vyushina, V. N. Timofeev. Ratio of Weed Species under the Influence of Crop Rotation Types and Tillage System under Conditions of the North Тrans-Urals…35

N. A. Surin, N. E. Lyakhova, S. A. Gerasimov, A. G. Lipshin. Evaluation of Collection Samples of Spring Barley in the Breeding on Productivity and Quality of Grain under Conditions of Eastern Siberia…41

N. V. Zobova, N. A. Surin, S. A. Gerasimov, A. A. Chuslin, T. V. Onufrienok. Spectra of Prolamines in Agroecological Evaluation of the Collection Barley…45

N. A. Neshumaeva, S. S. Golubev. Evaluation of Oat Resistance to Siberian Population of a Pathogenic Agent of Leaf Stripe Drechslera avenae…48

E.V. Kozhukhova, L.I. Valiulina, A.A. Churakov. Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Productivity of Short-Stem Pea Lines…52

E. V. Terenteva, O. V. Tkachenko. Production of Potato Minitubers in Cold Frame Greenhouses under Conditions of the Lower Volga Region…55


E. E. Mel’nikova, A. A. Sermyagin, S. N. Kharitonov, I. N. Yanchukov, A. N. Ermilov, N. A. Zinovieva. Criteria for Selection of Animals in the Formation of a Breeding Group of Mothers-Cows on the Basis of Milk Productivity…59

I. A. Paronyan. Possibilities of Preservation and Improvement of the Gene Pool of Cattle of Domestic Breeding…63

I. T. Bikchantaev, F. R. Vafin, M. Sh. Tagirov. Efficiency of Alfalfa Conservation by Different Biological Preparations…67

H. B. Baimischev, I. V. Uskova, E. Y. Petuchova. Optigen Feed Additive in the Structure of the Diet of Highly Productive Cows in the Peak Lactation Period…70


G. M. Krohta, V. M. Livshits, N. A. Usatykh. Efficiency of the Dynamic Mode of the Engine “4Ch 11.0/12.5 (D-240)” Warming-up during the Intershift Period…74


V. G. Goldshtein, V. A. Kovalenok, L. V. Krivtsun, A. A. Plotnikov, B. V. Kholkin, E. I. Tkachenko. Study of Parameters, Influencing Protein Coagulation of Potato Juice…78

T. A. Aseeva, K. V. Zenkina, Z. S. Ruban, I. V. Lomakina. Use of Triticale Flour in Baking of Bread…81