Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




№ 05-2017 EN


А.A. Shpedt, Y.N. Trubnikov. Humic State and Rational Use of Idle Lands of Yenisey Siberia…5

N.A. Rodin, T.N. Ivanova. Dynamics of Indicators of Soil Fertility According to the Results of Agrochemical Monitoring…9

G.N. Cherkasov, N.A. Sosov. Methods of Creating High-Yield Hayfields on Idle Sloping Lands in the Central Chernozem Area…13

E.I. Godunova, V.N. Gundyrin, S.N. Shkabarda. Efficiency of Hydrogel for the Fourth Year after Introduction under Conditions of the Central Pre-Caucasus…16

A.A. Belyaev, A.A. Leliak, A.I. Leliak, S.V. Nevolin, T.V. Shpatova, A.A. Shakhristova, V.V. Yudushkin. Application of the Bacterial Biological Preparations of Fitop Series for the Industrial Cultivation of Strawberry…20

E.A. Tyapugin, N.Y. Konovalova, P.N. Kalabashkin, S.S. Konovalova. Productivity of Festulolium in Pure and Mixed Crops under Conditions of the European North of Russia…24

N.A. Surin, N.E. Lyakhova, S.A. Gerasimov, A.G. Lipshin. Adaptive Potential of Barley of East Siberian Breeding…28

G.L. Zelensky, A.G. Zelensky, T.A. Romashchenko, V.V. Tsogoeva. Development of Exclusive Rice Varieties in the Russian Federation and Prospects of Their Use…32

L.D. Urazova, O.V. Litvinchuk. Evaluation Elements of Collection Samples of Festuca pratensis under Conditions of Taiga Zone of Tomsk Region…36

O.B. Skipor, S.S. Babanina, V.A. Zolotilov, O.M. Zolotilova. Influence of Cutting Type on Rooting and Output of Seedlings of True Lavender ‘Stepnaya’…40


V.A. Bagirov, B.S. Iolchiev, N.A. Zinovieva. Characteristics of Quality Parameters of Semen Derived from Hybrid Rams with Different Blood Ratio for Argali…43

A.C. Gagloev, A.N. Negreeva, T.N. Gagloeva. Utilization of Feed Nutrients by Purebred and Hybrid Young Rams from Different Precoce Ewes…46


G.M. Krohta, N.A. Usatykh, E.N. Khomchenko. Regularities of Starting and Post-Starting Wear of 4Ch 11.0/12.5 (D-240) Engine at Outside Storage of Machines…49

I.P. Popov, V.G. Chumakov, S.S. Rodionov, I.V. Shevtsov, A.D. Terentev, S.S. Nizavitin. Optimization of the Power of Sieve Grain-Cleaners…53


M.M. Kolosova, O.M. Soboleva, L.A. Filipovich. Electromagnetic Processing of Animal Waste to Produce Environmentally Safe Organic Fertilizers…57

E.K. Koptelova, L.G. Kuz’mina, V.A. Gulakova, N.D. Lukin. Assessment of Resistance of Starch of Different Origin and Modification to Amylase Cleavage…60


O.V. Lobanova. Increase of Efficiency of Reindeer Farms in the Yenisei North…63

G.V. Stolyarov. Current State and Trends of Dairy Sector under Conditions of Radioactive Contamination of Gomel Region…63