№ 02-2015 EN


A.E. Kolesnichenko. Determination of the level of resource potential and efficiency of its use in Stavropol Territory…3


N.A. Chuyan, O.G. Chuyan, G.M. Breskina. The ef­­fect of organic and mineral fertilizers on the content of organic matter into typical black soil…8

N.T. Chebotaryov, A.A. Yudin. Dynamics of fertility and productivity of sod-podzol soil under the influence of long use of fertilizers under conditions of Komi Republic…11

N.A. Surin, N.E. Lyakhova, S.A. Gerasimov, A.G. Lip­­shin. Field estimation of promising bree­ding samples of barley and oats in Yenisei Si­beria…14

V.A. Sapega, G.Sh.Tursumbekova. Characteristic of key parameters of the environment, productivity and adaptive ability of spring barley varieties…17

A.A. Gavrilova, O.A. Sharabaeva, G.Yu. Tkachen­­ko, A.V. Churmasov. Ozonation as a physical method of increasing the ability of seeds to germi­nate…21

Е.I. Malokostova. Productivity and sowing quality of soft spring wheat seeds depending on seeding time on the southeast of the Central Black Soil region…24

O.A. Isachkova, B.L. Ganichev, N.A. Lapshinov, V.N. Pakul, S.I. Zherebtsov, Z.R. Ismagilov. Influence of humic preparations on agrobiological indices of bare-grained oats…26

D.V. Dubovik, D.Yu. Vinogradov. Grain quality of winter wheat depending on agricultural methods under different weather conditions…30

A.A. Yanyshina, A.A. Lin, V.M. Mikhailov. Justification of flax-pulling term for obtaining seeds with high sowing qualities…33

L.N. Pak, B.N. Bobrinev. Reproduction of siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica Du Tour.) by air layering in Zabaykalsky krai…36


I.P. Prokhorov, V.N. Lukyanov, O.A. Kalmykova. Dynamics of the increase in musculature growth of pure breed and hybrid cattle young animals…40

A.N. Frolov, O.A. Zavialov, A.V. Kharlamov, A.M. Mi­ro­sh­nikov. The effect of the genotype steers on the quality of fat and its fatty acid composition…43

A.V. Hmirov, E.G. Yakovleva. Efficiency of complex preparation «Macrodox-200» against colibacteriosis of broiler chicken…46

E.N. Burnashova, S.Y. Semenov, M.S. Martynov. Microbiological methods of sewage treatment from nitrogen compounds…49


M.E. Koryagin, A.I. Dekina. Energy saving in the agricultural sector of Kemerovo region: state analysis and prospects for the development…53

E.А. Tyapugin, S.E. Tyapugin V.K. Uglin, V.E. Ni­kiforov. Special features of robotic technology of milking of highly productive cows in modern complexes…57