Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал

№ 04-2016 EN

A.S. Donchenko, V.K. Kalichkin, I.M. Gorobey, I.N. Minina. Foundation of Siberian Federal Agro-Biotechnology Research Center Is A New Impulse to Modernization and Technological Development of Siberian Agroindustrial Complex…5


P.M. Pershukevich, L.V. Tyu, M.V. Stenkina. The Main Directions of Social and Economic Research in the Agricultural Sector of Siberia: the Present and the Future…9

G.L. Utenkov, V.K. Kalichkin. Improvement of Methodology Approaches to Increasing the Efficiency of Machine Technologies of Grain Crops Cultivation under Conditions of Siberia…14

P.M. Pershukevich, G.M. Gritsenko, L.V. Tyu. Import Substitution in the Market of Cattle Meat of Siberian Federal District and the Factors Ensuring It…18


N.I. Kashevarov, V.P. Danilov. Integration Project on Crop Production, Fodder Production, Agriculture and Plant Protection as One of the Main Directions of the Research Center Development…23

N.G. Vlasenko. Main Methodological Principles of Formation of Modern Systems of Plant Protec­tion…25

V.K. Dridiger. About Methods of Research of No-Till Technology…30

A.A. Danilova. Accessible Method of Regulation of Pesticide Detoxication Rate in Cereal Agrocenosis of Western Siberia…33


N.I. Kashevarov, V.P. Danilov. Scientific Reserve Is a Basis of Integration Projects…36

N.I. Kasatkina, Zh.S. Nelyubina. Productivity of Alfalfa Varieties depending on the Abiotic Conditions of the Middle Cis-Ural Region…41

S.F. Chesalin, A.P. Serdyukov, L.M. Baturo, N.K. Zholudeva. se of Mineral Fertilizers at Radical Improvement of Ra­dio­­active Contaminated Inundated Lands…45

V.A. Soloshenko, N.I. Cashevarov, A.S. Don­chenko, N.A. Donchenko, S.N. Udintsev. Scientific Results on the Development of Highly Productive Genotypes of Farm Animals, Forage Preparation Technologies and Veterinary Support…50

V.A. Soloshenko, N.I. Cashevarov, A.S. Donchenko, N.A. Donchenko, S.N. Udintsev. Development of Highly Productive Genotypes of Farm Animals, New Technologies of Forage Production and Systems of Animal Health Protection on the Basis of Nanobiotechnology Methods…56

D.S. Grishina. Influence of Interbreed Crosses of Pereyaslav Breed Geese on Exterior Characteristics of Goslings…64


V.V. Alt, S.N.Olshevskyi. Information Technologies in Innovation Development of Agroindustrial Complex…67

V.K. Kalichkin. Geo-information Modeling in the Study of Transformation and Use of Agricultural Lands…70

A.A. Sinyutkina, Yu.A. Kharanzhevskaya, L.P. Gashkova, A.A. Belenko, A.A. Maloletko. Geo-information Modeling of Resource Potential of Swamped Territories in Tomsk Region …73

V.I. Turusov, Yu.F. Romantsov, V.A. Psheni­chnyi. Energy-Saving Technology of Cultivation of Row Crops and Engineering Tool of Its Ensuring…78

N.M. Ivanov, A.E. Nemcev, V.V. Korotkih. Technology of Agro-Industrial Complex – Qualitative Service…81

V.N. Delyagin, N.M. Ivanov, V.I.Murko, V.I. Kar­penok, D.I. Chernykh. Compre- hensive Utilization of Waste Using Heat and Power Plants…83